Rh(III)-Catalyzed Annulation of Boc-Protected Benzamides with Diazo Compounds: App.. |
Dong, Guangyu |
27423 |
An artificial metalloenzyme for catalytic cancer-specific DNA cleavage and operand.. |
Gao, Liang |
10560 |
Monte Carlo Simulation with Experimental Research about Underwater Transmission an.. |
Guo, Shouchuan |
5967 |
Advances in Clean Fuel Ethanol Production from Electro-, Photo- and Photoelectro-C.. |
Song, Yanfang |
5271 |
Universal Classical-Quantum Superposition Coding and Universal Classical-Quantum M.. |
Masahito Hayashi |
4731 |
Recent Progress in Improving the Performance of Infrared Photodetectors via Optica.. |
Chen, Jian |
3928 |
Solidly mounted longitudinally excited shear wave resonator (YBAR) based on lithiu.. |
Qin, Zhen-Hui |
3434 |
Mechanism of extracellular ion exchange and binding-site occlusion in a sodium/cal.. |
Liao, Jun |
2837 |
Fuzzy Harmony Search Technique for Cyber Risks in Industry 4.0 Wireless Communicat.. |
Diao, Zhifeng |
2794 |
The beta and gamma subunits play distinct functional roles in the alpha(2)beta gam.. |
Ma, Tengfei |
2511 |
Methanation of Carbon Dioxide over Ni-Ce-Zr Oxides Prepared by One-Pot Hydrolysis .. |
Nie, Wangxin |
2363 |
Fenchel Dual Gradient Methods for Distributed Convex Optimization over Time-varyin.. |
Xuyang Wu |
2221 |
Tet-Mediated Formation of 5-Carboxylcytosine and Its Excision by TDG in Mammalian .. |
He, Yu-Fei |
2176 |
Chiral Majorana fermion modes in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator-superconductor.. |
He, Qing Lin |
2121 |
Rashba-like spin splitting along three momentum directions in trigonal layered PtB.. |
Feng, Ya |
2082 |
Discovery of a potent HMG-CoA reductase degrader that eliminates statin-induced re.. |
Jiang, Shi-You |
2047 |
The emerging roles of the DDX41 protein in immunity and diseases |
Jiang, Yan |
2009 |
Preferential Facet Growth of Methylammonium Lead Halide Single Crystals Promoted b.. |
Zhang, Yi |
1944 |
Sulfoximines-Assisted Rh(III)-Catalyzed C-H Activation and Intramolecular Annulati.. |
Wang, Bao |
1735 |
Sqh is involved in the regulation of Ci stability in Hh signaling pathway |
Liu, Chunying |
1692 |
In vitro expression and analysis of the 826 human G protein-coupled receptors |
Lv, Xuechen |
1657 |
Composition-Dependent Cytotoxic and Antibacterial Activity of Biopolymer-Capped Ag.. |
Nieto-Arguello |
1483 |
A highly sensitive and selective nanosensor for near-infrared potassium imaging |
Liu, Jianan |
1450 |
A Quantitative Assay for Ca2+ Uptake through Normal and Pathological Hemichannels |
Nardin, Chiara |
1424 |
Elucidating the active delta-opioid receptor crystal structure with peptide and sm.. |
Claff, Tobias |
1378 |
Preparation of High-Stability Ceramic Slurry with Gel Behavior for Stereolithograp.. |
Wang, Ning |
1368 |
Tunnel Magnetoresistance Sensor with AC Modulation and Impedance Compensation for .. |
Zhao, Wenlei |
1278 |
Robust Optimal Feedback Control for Periodic Biochemical Processes |
Villanueva |
1257 |
The Impact of Manufacturing Imperfections on the Performance of Metalenses and a M.. |
Zhu, Yicheng |
1243 |
Crystal Structure of the Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB2 |
Li, Xiaoting |
1216 |
Constructing hierarchical dandelion-like molybdenum-nickel-cobalt ternary oxide na.. |
Sun, Juan |
1193 |
Conformable self-assembling amyloid protein coatings with genetically programmable.. |
Li, Yingfeng |
1191 |
An Online Fatigue Damage Evaluation Method for Gas Turbine Hot Components |
Zhu, Hongxin |
1179 |
解放科学记录: 让数字时代的学术出版为科学服务 |
张晓林 |
1157 |
Structures of the CXCR4 Chemokine GPCR with Small-Molecule and Cyclic Peptide Anta.. |
Wu, Beili |
1146 |
Abnormal Paraventricular Nucleus of Hypothalamus and Growth Retardation Associated.. |
Feng, Su |
1124 |
The Atomistic Understanding of the Ice Recrystallization Inhibition Activity of An.. |
Yang, Wentao |
1105 |
Dual-FRET imaging of IP3 and Ca2+ revealed Ca2+-induced IP3 production maintains l.. |
Matsu-ura, Toru |
1081 |
Efficient Generation of Gene-Modified Pigs Harboring Precise Orthologous Human Mut.. |
Zhou, Xiaoyang |
1036 |
Highly stable hybrid perovskite light-emitting diodes based on Dion-Jacobson struc.. |
Shang, Yuequn |
1012 |
The Local and Electronic Structure Study of LuxGd1-xVO4 (0 <= x <= 1) Solid Soluti.. |
Chen, Yang |
1002 |
Design of a Miniaturized Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source for High-Voltage .. |
Yu, Hua-Fei |
989 |
Effects of Cd vacancies and unconventional spin dynamics in the Dirac semimetal Cd.. |
Koumoulis, Dimitrios |
982 |
Structural and compositional analysis of a casting mold sherd from ancient China |
Zong, Yunbing |
981 |
Improving the Performance of an Ultrashort Soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser via Atto.. |
Tu, Lingjun |
969 |
Structural insights into the EGO-TC-mediated membrane tethering of the TORC1-regul.. |
Zhang, Tianlong |
949 |
Boosting the Electrocatalytic Activity of Nickel-Iron Layered Double Hydroxide for.. |
Li, Guoqi |
920 |
Exploiting mammalian low-complexity domains for liquid-liquid phase separation-dri.. |
Cui, Mengkui |
887 |
Delineating the Tnt1 Insertion Landscape of the Model Legume Medicago truncatula c.. |
Kaur, Parwinder |
874 |
Textured Sr2Sc0.1Nb0.1Co1.5Fe0.3O6-2 Thin Film Cathodes for IT-SOFCs |
Zhu, Zhaoxin |
866 |
Dual function of partitioning-defective 3 in the regulation of YAP phosphorylation.. |
Zhang, Peng |
863 |
Global optimization in Hilbert space |
Houska, Boris |
845 |
Structure of BAl1/ELMO2 complex reveals an action mechanism of adhesion GPCRs via .. |
Weng, Zhuangfeng |
836 |
Robust 3D Human Motion Reconstruction Via Dynamic Template Construction |
Li, Zhong |
835 |
The Osa-Containing SWI/SNF Chromatin-Remodeling Complex Is Required in the Germlin.. |
Hu, Xiaolong |
825 |
Unsupervised neural dependency parsing |
Jiang, Yong |
819 |
Gene regulation by long non-coding RNAs and its biological functions |
Statello, Luisa |
812 |
RIP3-mediated necroptosis is regulated by inter-filament assembly of RIP homotypic.. |
Hu, Hong |
811 |
Fc Engineering for Developing Therapeutic Bispecific Antibodies and Novel Scaffold.. |
Liu, Hongyan |
802 |
Monolithic integration of a lithium niobate microresonator with a free-standing wa.. |
Fang, Zhiwei |
801 |
Signature of type-II Weyl semimetal phase in MoTe2 |
Jiang, J. |
797 |
Architecture, substructures, and dynamic assembly of STRIPAK complexes in Hippo si.. |
Tang, Yang |
796 |
Multi-Dimensional Residual Dense Attention Network for Stereo Matching |
Zhang, Guanghui |
794 |
Growth Behaviors of GaN on Stripes of Patterned c-Plane GaN Substrate |
Wu, Peng |
794 |
A novel algorithm for finding optimal driver nodes to target control complex netwo.. |
Guo, Wei-Feng |
786 |
Solid-State NMR Studies of the Succinate-Acetate Permease from Citrobacter Koseri .. |
Dong, Xing-Qi |
785 |
The post-PAM interaction of RNA-guided spCas9 with DNA dictates its target binding.. |
Zhang, Qian |
779 |
Triptriolide antagonizes triptolide-induced nephrocyte apoptosis via inhibiting ox.. |
Wang, Xiao-wan |
776 |
Combining generative and discriminative approaches to unsupervised dependency pars.. |
Jiang, Yong |
774 |
Genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies FAM49B as a key regulator of actin dynamics a.. |
Shang, Wanjing |
766 |
Quasi-Freeform Metasurfaces for Wide-Angle Beam Deflecting and Splitting |
Zhang, Qiuyu |
765 |
Engineering of Pore Geometry for Ultrahigh Capacity Methane Storage in Mesoporous .. |
Liang, Cong-Cong |
762 |
The extracellular matrix: A dynamic niche in cancer progression |
Lu, Pengfei |
757 |
Explore new cancer immunotherapy targets in T cell signaling pathway using proteom.. |
Shang, W. |
754 |
Direct Spectroscopy for Probing the Critical Role of Partial Covalency in Oxygen R.. |
Long, Xinghui |
750 |
Mesostructured Fibrils Exfoliated in Deep Eutectic Solvent as Building Blocks of C.. |
Pei, Ying |
750 |
High-throughput identification of G protein-coupled receptor modulators through af.. |
Qin, Shanshan |
746 |
High-throughput functional screening for next-generation cancer immunotherapy usin.. |
Wang, Yuan |
746 |
Context-dependent sense embedding |
Qiu, Lin |
733 |
Towards Holistic and Automatic Evaluation of Open-Domain Dialogue Generation |
Pang, Bo |
731 |
Structural Basis of the Diversity of Adrenergic Receptors |
Qu, Lu |
710 |
Silicon-based high sensitivity of room-temperature microwave and sub-terahertz det.. |
Wu, Caiyang |
707 |
Expanding the toolbox of probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 for synthet.. |
Fang Ba |
705 |
Scandium doping brings speed improvement in Sb2Te alloy for phase change random ac.. |
Chen, Xin |
698 |
Quantitative analysis of the effect of radiation on mitochondria structure using c.. |
Pan, Dan |
697 |
Constructing a synthetic pathway for acetylcoenzyme A from one-carbon through enzy.. |
Lu, Xiaoyun |
690 |
Discovery of SIAIS178 as an Effective BCR-ABL Degrader by Recruiting Von Hippel-Li.. |
Zhao, Quanju |
687 |
Structural analysis of asparaginyl endopeptidase reveals the activation mechanism .. |
Zhao, Lixia |
681 |
A Generic Multi-Projection-Center Model and Calibration Method for Light Field Cam.. |
Qi Zhang |
680 |
Resolution Enhanced Array ECT Probe for Small Defects Inspection |
Long, Cai |
680 |
Suppression of bend loss in writing of three-dimensional optical waveguides with f.. |
Liu, ZhengMing |
676 |
Supercritical CO2 Foaming of Radiation Cross-Linked Isotactic Polypropylene in the.. |
Yang, Chen-Guang |
672 |
Potentiating the antitumour response of CD8(+) T cells by modulating cholesterol m.. |
Yang, Wei |
672 |
Animal Silk-Derived Amorphous Carbon Fibers for Electricity Generation and Solar S.. |
Qi, Ping |
671 |
Stabilized lithium metal anode by an efficient coating for high-performance Li-S b.. |
Xia, Shuixin |
670 |
Progress and Prospects of Gene Editing in Pluripotent Stem Cells |
Zhang, Zhenwu |
668 |
An Apparatus for Spectral Emissivity Measurements of Thermal Control Materials at .. |
Ma, Jiayu |
666 |
A threonyl-tRNA synthetase-like protein has tRNA aminoacylation and editing activi.. |
Chen, Yun |
665 |
Synthesis and characterization of aluminum diboride products using Al-27, B-11 NMR.. |
Turner |
657 |
VGLL4 targets a TCF4-TEAD4 complex to coregulate Wnt and Hippo signalling in color.. |
Jiao, Shi |
656 |