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一种激光热模光刻用抗氧化保护装置 专利
申请号:CN202123213473.4,申请日期: 2022-07-05,类型:实用新型,状态:授权
发明人:  王璐;  魏劲松;  郑金轮;  高天宇;  王阳
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提高激光热模光刻图形保真度工艺稳定性方法及抗氧化保护装置 专利
申请号:CN202111564094.1,申请日期: 2022-04-12,类型:发明申请,状态:实质审查
发明人:  王璐;  魏劲松;  郑金轮;  陈国东;  王阳
Unknown(538Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:266/0  |  提交时间:2022/04/12
Roles of zirconia-doping in the sintering process of high quality Tb3Al5O12 magneto-optic ceramics 期刊论文
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2020, 卷号: 176, 页码: 83-87
作者:  Chen, Jie;  Tang, Yanru;  Chen, Chong;  Hao, Deming;  Yi, Xuezhuan
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Effect of Tb4O7 excess on the microstructure and magneto-optical properties of TAG transparent ceramic 期刊论文
OPTICAL MATERIALS, 2019, 卷号: 94, 页码: 47-52
作者:  Hao, Deming;  Chen, Jie;  Ao, Gang;  Tian, Yanna;  Tang, Yanru
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Al2O3-Ce:Tb3Al5O12 composite ceramic phosphors for high efficiency warm white light illumination 期刊论文
作者:  Chen, Jie;  Tang, Yanru;  Yi, Xuezhuan;  Tian, Yanna;  Ao, Gang
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Fabrication and performance investigation of Thulium-doped TAG transparent ceramics with high magneto-optical properties 期刊论文
OPTICAL MATERIALS, 2019, 卷号: 94, 页码: 311-315
作者:  Hao, Deming;  Chen, Jie;  Ao, Gang;  Tian, Yanna;  Tang, Yanru
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Luminescence Characteristics of Ce: YAG Ceramic Phosphors with Gd(3+)Doping for White Light-emitting Diodes 期刊论文
无机材料学报, 2018, 卷号: 33, 期号: 10, 页码: 1119-1123
作者:  Shao Xiu-Chen;  Zhou Sheng-Ming;  Tang Yan-Ru;  Yi Xue-Zhuan;  Hao De-Ming
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The characterization of Ce/Pr-doped YAG phosphor ceramic for the white LEDs 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2018, 卷号: 745, 页码: 84-89
作者:  Tang, Yanru;  Zhou, Shengming;  Yi, Xuezhuan;  Hao, Deming;  Shao, Xiuchen
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Effect of Si4+ doping on the microstructure and magneto-optical properties of TAG transparent ceramics 期刊论文
OPTICAL MATERIALS, 2018, 卷号: 77, 页码: 253-257
作者:  Hao, Deming;  Shao, Xiuchen;  Tang, Yanru;  Yi, Xuezhuan;  Chen, Jie
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The Cr-doping effect on white light emitting properties of Ce:YAG phosphor ceramics 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2017, 卷号: 100, 期号: 6, 页码: 2590-2595
作者:  Tang, Yanru;  Zhou, Shengming;  Yi, Xuezhuan;  Zhang, Shuai;  Hao, Deming
Adobe PDF(834Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:534/2  |  提交时间:2017/07/04