


合作作者[TOP 5]

  • Yamano, Hiroyuki


  • Meghini, Francesco


  • Martins, Torcato


  • Fry, Andrew M.


  • Glover, David M.


Yuu Kimita 助理教授
所在学院: 生命科学与技术学院
职务: 助理教授
备注: --
Yuu Kimita


13 3729 195 428 0 9
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 [1] Meghini, Francesco.,Martins, Torcato.,Zhang, Qian.,Loyer, Nicolas.,Trickey, Michelle.,...&Kimata, Yuu.(2023).APC/C-dependent degradation of Spd2 regulates centrosome asymmetry in Drosophila neural stem cells.EMBO REPORTS;.浏览/下载:328/3; 被引[WOS]:3; IF:6.5/8.3评论推荐收藏
 [2] Braun, Alexis Leah.,Meghini, Francesco.,Villa-Fombuena, Gema.,Guermont, Morgane.,Fernandez-Martinez, Elisa.,...&Kimata, Yuu.(2021).The careful control of Polo kinase by APC/C-Ube2C ensures the intercellular transport of germline centrosomes during Drosophila oogenesis.OPEN BIOLOGY,11(6).浏览/下载:356/1; 被引[WOS]:6; IF:4.5/5.9评论推荐收藏
 [3] Kimata, Yuu,Leturcq, Maite,&Aradhya, Rajaguru.(2020).Emerging roles of metazoan cell cycle regulators as coordinators of the cell cycle and differentiation.FEBS LETTERS.浏览/下载:460/1; 被引[WOS]:7; IF:3.0/3.8评论推荐收藏
 [4] Ochi, Takashi.,Quarantotti, Valentina.,Lin, Huawen.,Jullien, Jerome.,Rosa e Silva, Ivan.,...&van Breugel, Mark.(2020).CCDC61/VFL3 Is a Paralog of SAS6 and Promotes Ciliary Functions.STRUCTURE,28(6),674-+.浏览/下载:363/0; 被引[WOS]:10; IF:4.4/4.3评论推荐收藏
 [5] Gambarotto, Davide.,Pennetier, Carole.,Ryniawec, John M..,Buster, Daniel W..,Gogendeau, Delphine.,...&Basto, Renata.(2019).Plk4 Regulates Centriole Asymmetry and Spindle Orientation in Neural Stem Cells.DEVELOPMENTAL CELL,50(1),11-+.浏览/下载:536/5; 被引[WOS]:20; IF:10.7/11.5评论推荐收藏
 [6] Kimata, Yuu.(2019).APC/C Ubiquitin Ligase: Coupling Cellular Differentiation to G1/G0 phase in Multicellular Systems.TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY,29(7),591-603.浏览/下载:617/5; 被引[WOS]:23; IF:13.0/19.5评论推荐收藏
 [7] Martins, Torcato,Meghini, Francesco,Florio, Francesca,&Kimata, Yuu.(2017).The APC/C Coordinates Retinal Differentiation with G1 Arrest through the Nek2-Dependent Modulation of Wingless Signaling.DEVELOPMENTAL CELL,40(1),67-80.浏览/下载:136/0; 被引[WOS]:13; IF:10.7/11.5评论推荐收藏
 [8] Meghini, Francesco.,Martins, Torcato.,Tait, Xavier.,Fujimitsu, Kazuyuki.,Yamano, Hiroyuki.,...&Kimata, Yuu.(2016).Targeting of Fzr/Cdh1 for timely activation of the APC/C at the centrosome during mitotic exit.NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,7.浏览/下载:341/113; 被引[WOS]:29; IF:14.7/16.1评论推荐收藏
 [9] Haider, Syed.,Lipinszki, Zoltan.,Przewloka, Marcin R..,Ladak, Yaseen.,D'Avino, Pier Paolo.,...&Glover, David M..(2015).DAPPER: a data-mining resource for protein-protein interactions.BIODATA MINING,8.浏览/下载:264/67; 被引[WOS]:3; IF:4.0/3.7评论推荐收藏
 [10] Kimata, Yuu,Kitamura, Kenji,Fenner, Nicola,&Yamano, Hiroyuki.(2011).Mes1 controls the meiosis I to meiosis II transition by distinctly regulating the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome coactivators Fzr1/Mfr1 and Slp1 in fission yeast.MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL,22(9),1486-1494.浏览/下载:51/0; 被引[WOS]:20; IF:3.1/3.0评论推荐收藏